3 short trips: the C. D. Friedrich trail (C. D. Friedrich Weg) at Krippen by Bad Schandau - trip to Pastevní vrch (Hutberg) lookout by Růžová - trip to the summit of Růžovský vrch (a northern trail)
Length: 5 km, 2 km, 5 km
Equipment: field-glasses
Caspar David Friedrich is the most exceptional painter of a region between the cities of Decin and Dresden: his paintings capture the atmosphere, the exceptional light, the colors of the region so faithfuly...
Although Friedrich's paintings seem to express fantasy worlds created by the painter, in fact, many his paintings just capture the reality of the region:
Caspar David Friedrich
(born 1774 in Greifswald - died in 1840 in Dresden)
Romantical painter, a member of a Dresden Academy. After studies at Copenhagen Academy, he lives and works in Dresden since 1798. Travels and works in Saxonia and Bohemia (Saxonian Switzerland, Bohemian Switzerland, Teplice, Krkonoše).
Several times he visits his native town Greifswald at the coast of Baltic Sea, where he creates a series of paintings inspired by sea, ships or by .
at Krippen by Bad Schandau links several locations connected to visits of Friedrich in region of Bohemian-Saxonian Switzerland. describe many details of Friedrich's works inspired by this location.